Milestone Ministry

Good Shepherd Milestone Ministry

We want to enrich the faith of our children through prayer and celebration of God’s Love.  Each year, every Sunday Schooler receives a “Milestone” from their Church Family.  These Milestones are celebrated during a Children’s Message with the congregation and their families.

Pre-School – Age 3  

Sunday School Tote Bag (Register Here)

Pre-School – Age 4  

Baptism Story Book (Contact Brea)


Music CD – 25 Sunday School Songs from the Veggie Tales (Register Here)

Grade 1 –

Prayer Block, Hand made by congregational members. (Register Here)

Grade 2 – 

Prayer Pillow, Hand made by Congregational Members. (Register Here)

Grade 3 – 

Bible, Spark Bible NRSV designed to Spark a relationship with God. (Please register by picking up a Bible at Church.  Return no later than September 23rd.  Registrations in Bible Information Letter.)

Grade 4 – 

Finding Your Way Through the Bible Workbook, NRSV, Self instruction booklet for fun while learning about their bible. (Register Here)

Grade 5 – First Communion 

Seder Meal First Communion, This is the Passover Meal beginning with the traditions from Moses and a communion shared between Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper.  Held the Wednesday before Easter.  Easter Sunday is then the first time 5th Graders Share Communion with their Church Family.